Meg Likes to craft!

So, recently I had my bridal shower. It was absolutely wonderful. I had a great time!

Thank you to all who came and celebrated. Much wine was had!

Anyway, I had the novel idea to rewrite the gifts list within a journal and paste all the cards inside of it. I have a hard time throwing them away because of the wonderful messages inside of them. (especially the one from Danielle H.)

Here are some pictures of my journal!

My Gift Journal: Wish it was in red, but it's so cute!!!

My Gift Journal: Wish it was in red, but it's so cute!!!

Here's one of the pages from the inside. The invitation and part of the game we played.

Here's one of the pages from the inside. The invitation and part of the game we played.

I'll post more pictures of the wedding planning process and my fun crafty projects as they come up.

I may also post a couple pictures from the bridal shower too. Stay tuned!